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To Cleanse or NOT to CLEANSE

TRIED AND TESTED? Should I wash my face in the morning and evening?


When is comes to beauty routine questions this one is most often the common questions - should i cleanse in the morning too? As a skincare therapist my eyeballs almost roll in my head before I blurt out the answer YES! of course you do. Why wouldn't you?

There are some basic concepts to this rule that always need to be considered but here are some key points

  • You've washed your face and applied (generally) reasonably active skincare products over night time - these often leave a small debris on the surface that should be removed before you see sunlight for the day
  • To not wash your face (in my eyes) just doesn't feel right - it needs a morning refresh? Some say rinse with just water however this is a BIG NO NO when it comes to protecting the barrier of your skin. Use your correct cleanser both morning and night time to ensure your skin barrier is protected regardless of the time of day
  • This leads to my next comment - if a cleanser is too harsh to use both AM and PM its the WRONG CLEANSER!
  • Oily skins need a gentle reminder to regulate the amount of oil being produced and cleansing is essential to this regulation

So TWO is the magic number - always cleanse following morning exercise (not before) and ensure you use a recommended cleanser that best suits your skin needs. Additional tools to help with simple and effective cleansing and removal can be considered but the key is within the cleansing medium you use.

If you require a little help or advice with this - get in touch with us HERE

Your New Best Friend Post Skin Peeling

Your New Best Friend Post Skin Peeling

As the season of skin peels begins to arrive we all get a bit excited about booking in a fabulous skin treatment.

Post summer skin is often a little congested from sunscreens and moisturiser, layered with heavy pigment filled cells and in need of a freshen up.. Enter the world of professionally recommended skin peels from all your friendly skin facialist like myself.

Any dermal therapist will say a Skin Peel is a great way to stimulate the skins natural cell growth and a perfect treatment now that Summer season has passed.

Now be ware this does not contradict my opinion on barrier dysfunction as they should only be performed by a clinical professional who knows the correct ingredient style peel to use for you skin type. Treatments should be few are far between and as I preach to many clients at home very little cell exfoliation needs to be done in your daily home care routine.

So what peel cocktail should i order? 

Are you thinking Lactic Acid? Peptide Peel... Feeling oily so need Salicylic and don't even get me started on the career changing Bio Repeel Peel that has revolutionised the world of TCA peels in clinic - which one is for you?

A quick breakdown...

Lactic - Know for its hydrating properties it loves dead cell and drawing moisture

Salicylic - Best suited for Oily skins or for Rosacea as this ingredient can be quite calming on the skins surface depending on its compound.

Peptide - A new concept of peeling, very gentle on the skins surface and an alternative for those who cant stand strong peels or have contra indications such as pregnancy, medication Lyme's or Lupus.

Vitamin A - The power exfoliator for turning skin cells over very quickly. This type of peel is prescription based so must be performed by a medical practitioner. Good for oily skins or really thick sun-damaged skin needing rejuvenation

Bio RePeel - modified to be kinder on the skins surface so more tolerable/ less downtime but will all the benefits. Think super glowing skin for days!!

Aftercare Tips for Optimal Results

Always follow the instructions provided by your skincare professional regarding post-peel care.
Protect your skin from direct sunlight by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF.
Avoid excessive heat exposure, such as saunas or hot showers, for the first few days after the peel especially if you have invested in a peel that will significantly turn over your skin - the cells separate as part of the healing process and sweat traps in between these layers causing a lot of irritation and unwanted breakout

Maintain a consistent skincare routine that includes gentle cleansers, moisturisers, and targeted serums recommended by your skincare professional.
Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water and incorporating hydrating foods into your diet.

One extra budget driven option to help nurture you through the skin challenge time is the option of a gentle cleansing cloth. TCC's PVA material is designed to be ultra smooth and gentle for this main reason. Gliding over the skin - it will grip loose cells waiting to desquamate without causing any indue trauma.

Its a budget driven option to help care for your skin!

Chemical skin peels offer a multitude of benefits, making autumn/winter the perfect season to indulge in these transformative treatments.  complexion. Remember, consulting a skincare professional is crucial for determining the most suitable chemical peel and aftercare regimen for your specific needs. 


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