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The Cleansing Academy

5 Skincare Myths Debunked By A Skincare Therapist

5 Skincare Myths Debunked By A Skincare Therapist

I spend many hours of my day answering these 5 common myths regarding skincare and how to help improve your skin. I thought it might be time to spill the beans on my answers!

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How to Build a Skin Care Routine

How to Build a Skin Care Routine

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to personalise a skincare routine that works for you. An essential skincare routine should offer gentle cleansing of skin oils and cosmetics such as sunscreen and active skincare, Protection from environmental factors like the sun, and moisturising to support skin barrier and hydration. Think of these steps as the foundation of your daily routine - they facilitate skin health and prepare your skin for its daily (and nightly) encounters.
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World Menopause Day 18th OCT .. What's MEP Technology

World Menopause Day 18th OCT .. What's MEP Technology

Menopause brings many changes to how you feel and how your body behaves. The decline and loss of oestrogen during menopause and in the years beyond are the root cause of this. Understanding how your body works and how that makes you feel and look is key.
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Do I really need a Cleansing Cloth?

Do I really need a Cleansing Cloth?

The average Skin Enthusiast spends approximately $3000 per year on professional/clinical skin treatments with the added extra skincare products for home care use.

Spending all this money can equal average results because you are simply NOT cleansing your skin correctly. With that financial commitment we want to ensure you get the results you deserve!

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What Menopausal Skin Really Needs

What Menopausal Skin Really Needs

I'll be honest with you.. 27 years in the industry and its taken me 24 years to get to the point where...I hear you, I understand you, and I recognise what really is going on when it comes to women and peri-menopausal skin...and it's tough!
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Simplify Your Skin Routine with Skin Streaming

Simplify Your Skin Routine with Skin Streaming

Skin streaming is simplifying your skin routine to three or four products that effectively address your skin’s needs and cycling them day in day out. The new phase of TikTok's ever famous #lazyskingirl.
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My Thoughts and Facts on Hyaluronic Acid

My Thoughts and Facts on Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acrid has been around for a very long time, used now most commonly as an ingredient injected into your skin to enhance volume, filled to replace naturally ageing voids and for skin boosting hydration.
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Your New Best Friend Post Skin Peeling

Your New Best Friend Post Skin Peeling

As the season of skin peels begins to arrive we all get a bit excited about booking in a fabulous skin treatment.

Post summer skin is often a little congested from sunscreens and moisturiser, layered with heavy pigment filled cells and in need of a freshen up...Enter the world of professionally recommended skin peels from all your friendly skin facialists, like myself.

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What Lives in Your Face Washer?

What Lives in Your Face Washer?

By changing the way you cleanse your skin, the micro organisms that create our barrier multiply to create a strong healthy surface, free of unwanted breakout, redness and irritation.

I help thousands of clients yearly to achieve their skin goals by simply editing their cleansing routine so that they can have clear, healthy problem free skin.

Consider your skin goal "CLEAN SKIN"

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It's Rosacea Awareness Month

It's Rosacea Awareness Month

Rosacea - My personal 25 years of experience says - ,many medical providers are too quick to label a sensitive and red skin as Rosacea which quite frankly annoys me because it under plays the serious nature of the skin disorder a percentage of people truely 'SUFFER' with!
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Why Makeup Wipes Don't Care About Your Skin

Why Makeup Wipes Don't Care About Your Skin

Yes they are functionally brilliant easy to use, throw away (lets talk about this environmental blunder later) and effective, whilst questionable at removing makeup in one quick wipe they are riddled with chemicals that enable this process

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Do you wash your face with germs?

Do you wash your face with germs?

Here we are thinking we are doing the most amazing job washing our face morning and night following the guidance of your Skin Therapist, Social Media Influencer or your Mother's home grown advice however its highly likely in all that cleaning you are just adding more bacteria.
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