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You Might Be Washing Your Face The Wrong Way

So, are you?

"In the years of studying and taking care of skins in Australia there is one common lesson I tend to teach everyone: How to Cleanse Your Skin correctly!" says Michelle from Skin Nerd, creator of The Cleansing Cloth.

We often think washing your face is a no brainer, that the act of cleansing is easy, its cleansing correctly that is the issue!

Most of us do the following to wash our face: splash remove, don't use cleanser of a morning only at night, use cold water in fear of creating capillary damage and the list goes on. Don't feel ashamed if you have done one or more of the following. These are skills you have either been taught to do from a fellow skin therapist (crazy hey), read or watched on social media or just followed in the suit of your product recommendations.

Unfortunately these techniques are all wrong! 25 years + in the industry has taught me that cleansing correctly is the key to all skin health and goals. If you don't get the foundations correct then nothing follows in suit.

So what does your skin look like if you are cleansing incorrectly;

  • Your pores are clogged
  • Your skin can look dull
  • You have residual makeup left behind when you wash your face in the morning or wipe with a towel to dry your face straight after
  • You still have Panda Eyes from your mascara
  • Your skin has a sludge like feeling even after you have washed your face
  • The skins PH level is incorrect - this means your skin is often shinny after cleansing and red in colour
  • Your skin cells are flakey

How do you Cleanse Correctly

  1. Always cleanse Morning and Night time no matter what! (You need to balance the PH levels of your skin as well as remove either makeup or skincare products such as sunscreen, retinols used at night - the list goes on)
  2. Use cleanser with each cleanse
  3. Apply your cleanser for a min of 30-60 seconds to massage into the skin - always rinse the cleanser off with a fabric based tool - the perfect addition is a Cleansing Cloth (we will explain later why)
  4. No water is to be applied to the skin following this step so consider doing your full showering routine first before your cleansing routine.
  5. Use luke warm water or slightly hotter! This helps emulsify and soften both your skins natural oils and the oils found in your products to help nurture and protect the skin

What shouldn't you use

  • Never use facial wipes
  • A dirty cloth (this one should be obvious)
  • Makeup remover pads
  • Face washers that are more than 12 weeks old

So why a Cleansing Cloth?

The bacterial resistant fabric means you are washing your skin with a safe and hygienic product that also ensures its gentle enough to protect your skin.

Woven fabrics such as face washer and flannels are dyed a lovely colour to hide the mould that forms in between the weave - this will always occur within 12-14 weeks of constant use, even if you wash it. Most of us hold onto our face washers for more than a year - even though they smell clean mould has developed in that time and we wash our face with them day in day out. The fabric texture can also be a little harsh for some skin types.

Splash removing means we unbalance the PH by just using water and also leave behind everything that the cleanser has softened - its really the towel we dry our face with that removes the product so NO SPLASH REMOVE!

Facial wipes - need we same more than the word CHEMICAL!

The Benefits of TCC

  • Anti bacterial product
  • Soft and gentle for the skin
  • Perfect for Acne and oily skins
  • Removes all makeup in a one stop swipe with Cleanser
  • No more Panda Eyes from mascara
  • Suitable for Rosacea and Sensitive Skins

To purchase your Cleansing Cloth click here its never too late to start Cleansing correctly!

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