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The Cleansing Academy

The new "Skin Shammy" on the block

The new "Skin Shammy" on the block

Made from PVA material the skin shammy is a texture similiar to wetsuit material - super soft to touch and remains at a cooling temperature. The ability for it to simultaneously wipe and remove all traces of makeup and skincare products whilst leaving the skin feeling fresh and protected is what makes TCC amazing.

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Are ingestible products a game changer to your skin routine?

Are ingestible products a game changer to your skin routine?

While many of us are extremely mindful about the skincare products we are using on the outside, there’s a vital step in our regime that we should be turning our focus to... Ingestible Beauty!

While a healthy and nutritious diet plays a valuable role for skin health, many people are simply not getting enough nutrients due to lifestyle factors, impaired nutrient absorption due to gut dysbiosis and poor dietary choices.

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How to Prevent Sunscreen from Clogging your Skin

How to Prevent Sunscreen from Clogging your Skin

So we live in AUSTRALIA and we all know by now the importance of sunscreen, many of us still never fail to come up with excuses not to use it every day: too greasy, makes your skin look white, it smells. But the biggest turn-off when we consider the use of sunscreen is the breakouts and irritation it can cause.

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Take our Rosacea Challenge! Better Skin or Your Money Back

Take our Rosacea Challenge! Better Skin or Your Money Back

Do you suffer from Rosacea? Take our challenge! If try our Cleansing Cloth for 60 days and don't see an improvement in your skin, we'll give you a full refund!
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Your Skin, Your Way: Hayley from Our Satellite Hearts

Your Skin, Your Way: Hayley from Our Satellite Hearts

Meet Hayley, owner of Our Satellite Hearts. In this article we interview Hayley about her life, skincare, and how she does things "her way!" 

How do you do things “Your Way” when it comes your life/ career/business?

I would love to say I’m a planner and super organised, but that would be a lie! I just try to go with the the flow. I try to not worry about what others are doing in business and stick to my own personal style.
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Why Rosacea needs tender loving care

Why Rosacea needs tender loving care

People living with Rosacea have a hard time establishing a skincare routine that can both be effective at keeping the symptoms of rosacea at bay - whilst also focusing on things such as breakout, skin texture and anti ageing.

Often the world of cosmetics is one product addresses one concern, so how do you support rosacea whilst also using actives?

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The 411 on Skin Positivity

Skin Positivity - What is this new vibe?

The skin positivity movement has paved the way for a new era of skin neutrality, which believes skin is just skin, and shouldn’t be pressured to feel more beautiful. The key word being MORE! We already are beautiful.

While social media has done a lot to further the cause of the #skinpositivity movement, the ever present and over saturated use of filters and photo editing means the true concept of a healthy self-image is very distorted.

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Are you washing your face the wrong way?

You Might Be Washing Your Face The Wrong Way

"In the years of studying and taking care of skins in Australia there is one common lesson I tend to teach everyone: How to Cleanse Your Skin correctly!" says Michelle from Skin Nerd, creator of The Cleansing Cloth. We often think washing your face is a no brainer, that the act of cleansing is easy, its cleansing correctly that is the issue! Here's how to tell if you are cleansing correctly or not...
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No More Panda Eyes this party season

No More Panda Eyes this Party Season

So, if we are speaking the truth we've all been there!... stumbled into bed after a fun night out and woken the next morning to a face full of messed up makeup and mascara from one ear lobe to the other.

The time it takes to even contemplate standing at the bathroom mirror when it might be swaying side to side - let along actually do your full skincare routine seems all to hard. This is where the addition of a Cleansing Cloth is a quick tool that will wipe away your mascara in seconds

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Skincare & Sunscreen: Stay Sun Proof without the Breakouts

Skincare & Sunscreen: Stay Sun Proof without the Breakouts

Sunscreen might seem plain and simple, but like most things in life - its not! The wrong sunscreen can cause problematic build up that will leave your skin acne prone, irritated and feeling reactive. Its so worth taking the time to find a formula that works for you.

You have most likely heard about physical and chemical sunscreens before - but do you really understand what this means and how these ingredients work? Let's delve in a little deeper and find out.

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Skincare and Cleansing tools

Do I Need a Cleansing Brush?

Until recently, the main methods of washing your face involved your hands, a cleanser and sometimes a face cloth (if you were a skincare junkie).

Over the last decade there have been a flood of new and innovative devices from sonic machines to hand held cleansing brushes (similar to that of an electric tooth brush) that can be used daily on your skin.

Are these creating more harm than they are good? Short answer: YES, they are.

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The Fundamentals of Healthy Skin

The Fundamentals of Healthy Skin

There are many factors to healthy and glowing skin but it all begins with how we wash it, and what we wash it with!

Without getting too science-y (is that even a word?) our skin is our biggest functioning organ – built to protect. Within itself it has a barrier we often refer to as its very own eco system that sits on the surface making sure everything behaves the way it should.

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